Empowering Tomorrow’s Engineers: Highlights from the SFHS Grade 12 NCTS Internship Program Culmination

Congratulations to the Grade 12 Senior High School students from San Francisco High School for completing the NCTS Internship Program and for their presentation of learnings and experiences here at the Center! The Culminating Activity was held on February 27, 2024, at the UP NCTS Room D. The two (2) students stayed at the NCTS from February 8-23, 2023 covering ten (10) working days and completed eighty (80) hours of work. The students were assigned to the Traffic Engineering and Management (TEM) Group.

The event was hosted by Ms. Maribelle Lobendino, NCTS REPS and Student Affairs Coordinator and was attended by the NCTS Director Jun Castro, who gave the welcome remarks, and some NCTS staff.

The NCTS Internship Program provided students with practical experience in conducting research, producing knowledge products, and becoming familiar with the various career paths within the engineering industry. Additionally, as learners, they have developed competencies, work ethics, and values relevant to pursuing further education and entering the workforce. 

Good luck in your future endeavors!