UP NCTS Delivers Road Safety & Traffic Discipline Seminar for UP Jeepney Drivers inPartnership with TMO

📌Benito Sy Pow Auditorium, UP College of Architecture
📅 March 20–21, 2024 | 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

In response to a request from the Transportation Management Office (TMO) under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (OVCCA), the UP National Center for Transportation Studies (UP NCTS) delivered a two-day Road Safety & Traffic Discipline Seminar for UP jeepney drivers on March 20 and 21, 2024, at the Benito Sy Pow Auditorium, UP College of Architecture.

The seminar aimed to strengthen the drivers’ understanding of road safety principles and promote responsible driving within the UP Diliman campus. It also served as a compliance requirement for the renewal of the UP Public Utility Jeepney (PUJ) Driver’s Identification Cards, which are mandatory for all jeepney drivers operating inside the campus. These IDs must be renewed annually and visibly displayed at all times.

A total of 74 participants attended Day 1, and 76 joined on Day 2. To measure learning outcomes and evaluate seminar effectiveness, a 10-item pre- and post-test was administered to all attendees. This provided insights into the drivers’ baseline knowledge and their improvement after the sessions.

The learning sessions were delivered by Mr. Glenn Latonero and Mr. Sahid Kamid, members of the Traffic Engineering and Management – Road Safety Research Laboratory (TEM–RSRL) of UP NCTS. Both facilitators are ADB Certified Road Safety Auditors and iRAP (International Road Assessment Programme) Certified Quality Reviewers for the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) program.
Learning Session 1: Introduction to Road Safety with Mr. Kamid
Mr. Kamid introducing the objectives of the learning session
Mr. Latonero setting the context of his presentation
Learning Session 2: Traffic Discipline with Mr. Latonero

This initiative supports the ongoing implementation of the UP Diliman Transportation Management Plan, which the TMO has been leading since 2019. The plan focuses on traffic management, education, enforcement, and the mainstreaming of road safety and discipline within the university.

Program Highlights:

    • Pre-Test
    • Opening Remarks and Overview (by UP TMO)
    • Learning Session 1: Introduction to Road SafetyMr. Sahid Kamid
      • Open Forum / Q&A
    • Health Break
    • Learning Session 2: Traffic DisciplineMr. Glenn Latonero
      • Open Forum / Q&A
    • Post-Test

Through this collaborative effort, UP NCTS and UP TMO continue to advance the safety and welfare of the UP Diliman community by empowering PUJ drivers with the necessary knowledge and discipline to provide safe and reliable transport services.