Dear TSSP Members:
In collaboration with the University of the Philippines National Center for Transportation Studies (UP-NCTS) and the Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP) and Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) and several Asia and Australia-based universities, the Women in Transport Leadership knowledge network or WiTL is convening a two-part Asian-wide webinar series on November 24 and 25 (2020) featuring scholars who have undertaken important initiatives in gender and transport.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore issues pertaining to gender equality and inclusion, especially in transport. Although this webinar is sponsored by WiTL, we acknowledge that women cannot take action alone to address these issues. We need our gender champion partners, the influential male transport leaders, to step up and take action so that together, we can build a more gender-equal world.
The event is now posted on Facebook via the following link:
To join, please register on the following link: